Monday, September 3, 2007

In the Beginning...

Hello to all,
After being inspired by seeing my wife set up a blog and after I messed with it and the others she had linked to her's, I finally decided to jump on the boat and have my little corner of the internet.
I wanted my blog to be something that I was interested in so I would not just abandon it after a short while, but I also wanted it to be something that seems to have many views, and something that civilized people can discuss and learn from. As you have found out, the theme is money, but the title is "More Than Just Money". I hope to spark conversation with others about the role of money in our lives, it's uses, it's benefits, it's drawbacks, etc. I hope to discuss ways to make it, save it, spend it, the history behind it, bartering, communal living, and most importantly life without it. As the title implies, this blog will also be about why life is more than just about money, and will discuss the other important things of life such as religion and why it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to make it to heaven.

I also will share parts and pieces of my family life, because when we die, our money does not go with us into our next state of eternity, only our knowledge and our relationships can.